Project Update
It's been a while since we've done one of these. Now that we're about half way through the year (how?) I think it's about time we talk about what we've been up to and what we hope you'll see soon.
2022 So Far
In the early part of the year, or late last year, I had said that I wanted to do a bit less this year. And I think that's working out. A big part of that has been less blog posts. Last year we were pushing ourselves hard to have at almost 2 posts every single week, with something like over 70 posts total. The goal for this year is to get somewhere around 40. This post puts us at 19 to date, which pretty much is on target. That means we're taking out time with life a bit more, and also spending a bit of extra time on stuff to get it right.
One of the very first things we did this year was launch which has been a monumental effort and a fantastic resource. I've been using it almost every day, especially on game nights. We just built some characters for a new game last night, which is using the necromancer, thief, and a pilgrim priest. The wiki made it super easy to copy/paste everything neatly into roll 20. One player is also trying out the Talent, a psionic class currently in beta by MCDM. They do some really cool stuff! Check them out if you're interested.
The wiki has been a huge undertaking with a ton of work by a bunch of people to get it going. It's still a work in progress, and will continue to get updated as things get added. A bonus to having the wiki, while the PDFs might fall out of date sooner, the wiki can be updated in real time, making grammatical fixes and minor balance tweaks as needed.
With the wiki being added, it takes place of the current wixsite as a resource. has already been created as the new place to get all your downloads. Once the next update of the rules is out, I'll start removing the pages from wix, and make a front page here that directs to either the blog, the downloads, or the wiki. Essentially we'll have three different websites for the three different purposes. And discord remains as our main community conversation site.
In April, Terrors of Tamriel vol2 was released, which is another beautiful, full-color book. Inside is 45 pages covering 20 well known characters, mostly based around the province of Skyrim, and was meant to compliment Shadows Over Skyrim, which came out just last November.
Since then, we've been working away on a bunch of other projects, some of which have been previewed, and other that are still in the early stages. Which brings us to what we're working on now!
What's Next
My main project that I have been attempting to focus on is the next update to the basic rules. It will be released under the fantastic new name: DELVEBOUND. Here's a sneak peak of the very in progress cover over the new book!

There is still a lot of work to do, and we are a long ways off from this being out there, but that's because there is a ton of stuff to do. It's not just a minor update with some tweaks and corrections. There are full reworks coming, with plenty of people involved (not just me) and reaching out for feedback to the community to make it even better. All of those things are time consuming, but it's going to be worth it. The end result is going to set up the basics of Delvebound for the years to come. To get a peak at what we've already been showing off from the updated rules, check out these posts:
We've also been working on updates to the popular Blessings & Curses pdf, that features some of the fan favorite vampires and lycanthropes as player options. This has been a long time coming for the updates and has been led by WanderingSwampBeast, who has been knocking it out of the part with the updated way these options are being handled. You can check out some of those updates here:

Crimson has been hard at work getting which will likely be the next book ready to go, which is Tharn's Grimoire of Incantations. This massive tome of new spells takes many of the canon spells found in Elder Scrolls lore, many of which are deeeep cuts.
And lastly, Juanchoclo has been creating and re-creating the many other fantastic races of Tamriel to be included in the first of many volumes of the Anthropology Companion. These were shared last year and they have all been reworked to fit within the new heritage system coming to Delvebound. I can't wait for you to get your hands on these amazing options.
Now... that's not all we've been working on. There are a few projects that we're not ready to talk about yet, and of course Legionnaire's Guide to Cyrodiil part 2 will be coming out after Delvebound is complete. Part 2 comes with a ton of world info, adventures, and an impressive bestiary.
Along with all of these fantastic things, we've also been dealing with life. Which has its ups and downs. This is a hobby project that a bunch of dorks work on in our spare time, but that spare time sometimes becomes limited. We've had people studying and graduating from university (magna cum laude, btw), finding new jobs, and growing their family. We also have our own personal stuff we've been working on. I, myself, have had two major games end this year (one that had been going on for over 4 years), which has then led to two major games starting! I've spent the last two months working on one new game after the other, which definitely eats into the time I would love to be working on this project. Hopefully some of this slows down for me and I can back to showing you all the really cool new things coming to Delvebound.
We've regrouped recently with the intent of getting re-focused and get a few projects wrapped up in the near future so we can work together on other projects and keep churning out some great content. As always, I'm excited to see what comes next and can't wait to share more. Happy adventuring, friends.