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Legionnaire's Guide to Cyrodiil: Update and Preview

Way back on January 2nd, it was announced that 2020 would be spent working on a massive community project: Legionnaire's Guide to Cyrodiil. Since then, there has been a big push to making this a reality. Many members of the community joined together to create some amazing content—which is far more than I had originally imagined!

There is currently a google doc that is getting close to 500 pages long! Some of this will get condensed as it moves into layout, but some will also expand as art is selected and placed. Writing has essentially been wrapped up as of October 1st, with a handful of areas that need to be filled out (mostly stuff that I have fallen behind on). We are about to heavily start on the editing and layout process and we are ready to show you some of the fantastic things we've been working on!

Over the next few months, I will be posting much more regularly as we showcase some of the new content. Each week, we'll see subclasses and monsters, and we'll be able to peak at the new layout that has been custom designed for UESTRPG projects. We are abandoning the standard style to gain a unique sense of identity. I've been working hard on making this look just right and I hope you love it as much as I do.

We're going to start this off with a peak at the Daedric Titan, a fearsome abomination first created by infusing a daedric soul into the bones of a dragon. Here, you'll be able to see the new layout style and some of the new graphics that will be used in the book. Keep in mind, this is pretty early in layout, so there could be lots of changes between now and then, and I'm open to feedback! Also, these images are straight from the living document, so the page numbers will drastically change as more and more content is added to the layout.

We'll take a look at a few new Barbarian subclasses soon! If you want to see more, join the Discord, where you can provide feedback in real time and talk with the designers of this book. As I mentioned back in January, my goal was to contribute as little as possible to the writing of this book to make it a true community project, and that is exactly what has happened. I had originally hoped for a release date of December 2020, but I'm not sure if that is achievable at this time—only because of how much stuff has been included in this amazing book! If dates need to push out, I will do my best to keep you updated, but I'm hoping the things that we are sharing over the next few months will be enough to make up for it!

I can't wait to share more with you!


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