Basic Rules v1.3

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Table Top Role Playing Game Basic Rules v1.3 is a major update that includes many changes to make the game more compatible with D&D 5e
Fixed many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
Replaced all custom skills with standard D&D 5e skills.
Replaced all custom damage types with standard D&D 5e damage types.
Rework to several classes, including the Barbarian Path of the War Crier, Monk Way of the Voice, and Spellsword Witchblade.
Added a new list of spells sorted by School of Magic
Added a new beastiary appendix for Mage and Sorcerer companions.
Altmer Blood. You now have advantage against saving throws to resist diseases.
Tool Proficiency. Now correctly states that you learn one proficiency of your choice.
Aldmer Duality. You now have disadvantage against cold, fire, and lightning spells, instead of fire, frost, or shock.
Argonian Resilience. You now have advantage against saving throws to resist disease, and you have resistance to poison damage.
Bretons were feeling a bit weak compared to other classes and I wanted to give them an ability that represents their slight resistance to magic. They now have the Breton Ancestry trait.
Breton Ancestry. You gain proficiency in Willpower saving throws.
Ambassador. You are now proficient in the Persuasion skill, rather than Speechcraft.
Natural Bandit. You can add your proficiency bonus when you attempt use your claws as thieves' tools, even if you are not proficient in thieves' tools.
Nedic Ancestry. You are resistant to cold damage, instead of frost.
Magical Resistance has been removed and replaced with Orcish Resilience.
Orcish Resilience. Your tough mind and body grants you resistance force damage.
Yokudan Lineage. Removed resistance to disease damage.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival
General. After receiving feedback from one of my players, the barbarian class was feeling very reactive, and not in a good way. When I first created this class, I wanted to make something that felt similar to the D&D version, but rage wasn't a resource that was true to the Elder Scroll franchise. It wasn't until a while after, that I realized that the orc racial trait from Skyrim is essentially the barbarian rage feature.
With that discovery, I've been playing around with the idea of revising this barbarian class to include the standard rage mechanic. After reviewing, I believe the simplest choice is to not try to fix what isn't broken. I've updated the base class to be the standard D&D barbarian class.
Rage. Barbarians can rage again. With the addition of this classic feature, the Barbaric Strength, Brute, and Counter features have all been removed.
Conditioning. This feature has been removed.
Fast Movement. This feature has moved to 5th level and you gain 10 feet to your speed at this time.
Reaper's Gambit. This feature has been properly named Reckless Attack and is now gained at 2nd level.
Feral Instinct. This standard D&D feature has been added at 7th level.
Warbringer. This feature has been properly named Brutal Critical.
Last Stand. This feature has been removed and replaced with the similar standard feature Relentless Rage.
Devastating Blows. This feature has been removed and replaced with Persistent
Slaughter. This feature has been removed.
Survival of the Fittest. This has been properly named Primal Champion.
Battle Instincts. This feature has been made redundant by adding Feral Instinct to the base class. This feature has been replaced by Reckless Abandon.
Accelerated Regeneration. This feature has been updated to properly describe the intent. Each time you regain hit points during a short rest, you gain additional hit points equal to 1d12 + your Endurance modifier.
Reaver's Charge. This feature has been added. While you're raging, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Pact Tactics. You must be raging to benefit from this feature.
Reaper's Verdict. You must be raging to benefit from this feature.
Armsman. This feature has been reworked and renamed as Frenzied Armsman, and requires you to be raging. Each weapon type has been updated and reworded.
Heavy Lifting. This feature has been updated for clarity and now requires you to be raging.
Relentless Storm. This feature has been reworded for clarity, and no longer uses your reaction or bonus action.
Battle Thum. You now learn two additional shouts at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
A saving throw for Battle Thum abilities has been added for clarity. The saving throw is calculated as follows: Battle Thum save DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Endurance modifier.
Additionally, a Spells and Shouts table has been added to the description to clarify how to use shouts to cast more powerful spells.
Frenzied Shouts. At 10th level, you can cast spells with your Battle Thum feature while raging.
Clear Skies. This spell now works up to within 1 mile of you.
Unrelenting Force. This spell now references Thunderwave instead of Kinetic Push.
Animal Allegiance. This spell has been revised to cast Animal Friendship.
Aura Whisper. This spell has been updated to properly describe the effect.
Marked for Death. This spell has been updated to reference Hunter's Mark.
Battle Fury. This spell now costs 3 shouts, up from 2 shouts.
Call of Valor. This spell now costs 1 shout, down from 2, but only affects 1 willing creature.
Cyclone. This spell now costs 2 shouts, up from 1.
Ice Form. This spell now deals cold damage, instead of frost.
Breath. The damage choices for this spell are now fire, cold, lightning, and poison, rather than fire, frost, poison, and shock.
Dismay. This spell now costs 3 shouts, up from 2.
Dragon Aspect. This spell has been updated to properly describe the effect.
Storm Call. This spell has been updated to reference Call Lightning.
Allure. You now gain advantage on Persuasion checks, instead of Speechcraft.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Pick two from: Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, Religion
Divine Smite. Now deals lightning damage, instead of shock.
Aura of Protection. This feature now uses your Willpower attribute modifier instead of Personality.
Cleansing Touch. This feature now uses your Willpower attribute modifier instead of Personality.
Divine Smite: Fire. The damage dealt by this feature has been changed to cleansing fire, rather than frost.
Knight Training. Skills: Persuasion has replaced Speechcraft.
Divine Smite: Force. The damage dealt by this feature has been changed to force, rather than magic.
Bonus Proficiency. History and Stealth have replaced the Lore and Sneak skills granted by this feature.
Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts. You now properly learn this feature at 7th level, instead of 6th.
Sunlight Mastery. The damage has been updated to be radiant, rather than sunlight, and the amount of damage is increased by an amount equal to you Willpower attribute. This damage is doubled against undead targets.
Channel Divinity: Radiance of Dawn. The damage has been updated to be radiant, rather than sunlight .
Channel Divinity: Turn the Tide: This feature now uses your Willpower attribute modifier instead of Personality.
Divine Smite: Radiant. The damage dealt by this feature has been updated to radiant, instead of sunlight.
Radiant Resilience. This feature now uses your Willpower attribute modifier instead of Personality.
Sun Shield. The damage dealt by this feature has been updated to radiant, instead of sunlight.
Witch Hunter Training. You now gain proficiency in the Survival skill. Destruction Magic has been removed.
Favored Enemy. This feature now uses the Willpower (Survival) skill, instead of Intelligence (Nature).
Divine Smite: Necrotic. The damage dealt by this feature has been changed to necrotic, rather than fire.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Pick two from: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion
Careful Spell. Now uses your Intelligence modifier instead of Willpower.
Empowered Spell. Now uses your Intelligence modifier instead of Willpower.
Subtle Spell. The sneak attack damage now increases as you reach higher levels in the mage class. The damage increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, 4d6 at 15th level, and 5d6 at 19th level.
Dampen Elements. Updated the damage types to be cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
Conjure Atronach. This spell has been reworked. Creature statistics for each atronach can be found in Appendix A.
Elemental Bond.
Water & Frost Atronach. This feature now deals cold damage, instead of frost.
Air & Storm Atronach. This feature now deals lightning and thunder damage, instead of shock.
Elemental Bond.
Water & Frost Atronach. This feature now gives you resistance to cold damage, instead of frost.
Air & Storm Atronach. This feature now gives you resistance to lightning and thunder damage, instead of shock.
Flesh Atronach. This feature now gives you resistance to poison damage, and are immunity to disease.
Elemental Mastery
Cryomancer. This feature is now triggered when you deal cold damage, instead of frost.
Additionally, if the spell you use already reduces the target's speed, use whichever reduction is greater.
Electromancer. This feature is now triggered when you deal lightning or thunder damage, instead of shock.
Venomancer. Acid damage also triggers the effect from this feature.
Sixth Sense. This feature now lasts until you use the feature again, in addition to if you are incapacitated, or finish a short or long rest.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Pick two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth
Stunning Strike. This standard D&D monk feature has been added to the monk class.
Stillness of Mind. This standard D&D monk feature has been added to the monk class.
Counterbalance. Clarified that the damage that can be reduced is bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing.
Monk Weaponry. This feature has been updated and clarified. It now reads: Starting at 3rd level, you can use hand-to-hand weapons or staves as though they were unarmed strikes. When using a weapon in this way, you can choose to deal damage equal to the weapon's description, or by an amount equal to 1 size of dice larger than the die listed in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table. For example, at 3rd level instead of 1d4, your hand-to-hand weapon strikes deal 1d6 damage. At 17th level, your strikes deal 1d12 damage.
Disciple of the Voice. You now learn two additional dragon shouts at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
A saving throw for Dragon Shouts abilities has been added for clarity. The saving throw is calculated as follows: Dragon Shout save DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Willpower modifier.
Additionally, a Spells and Shouts table has been added to the description to clarify how to use stamina to cast more powerful spells.
Dragon Shouts. Many of the shouts have reduced the required stamina to use.
Clear Skies. This spell now works up to within 1 mile of you and now costs 1 stamina point, down from 2.
Throw Voice. This spell now costs 1 stamina point, down from 2.
Unrelenting Force. This spell now references Thunderwave instead of Kinetic Push and costs 1 stamina point, down from 2.
Whirlwind Sprint. This spell now costs 1 stamina point, down from 2.
Animal Allegiance. This spell has been revised to cast Animal Friendship and now costs 1 stamina point, down from 3.
Aura Whisper. This spell has been updated to properly describe the effect and now costs 1 stamina point, down from 3.
Disarm. This spell now costs 2 stamina points, down from 3.
Gale Winds. This feature has been added to the list of available spells.
Kyne's Peace. This spell now references Calm Emotions and costs 2 stamina points, down from 3.
Marked for Death. This spell has been updated to reference Hunter's Mark and costs 1 stamina point, down from 3.
Spectral Clone. This spell now costs 2 stamina points, down from 3.
Battle Fury. This spell now costs 3 stamina points, down from 4.
Become Ethereal. This spell now costs 7 stamina points, up from 5.
Call of Valor. This spell now costs 1 stamina point, down from 4, but it only affects 1 willing creature.
Cyclone. This spell now casts the spell Dust Devil and costs 2 stamina points, down from 4.
Ice Form. This spell now deals cold damage instead of frost and costs 3 stamina points, down from 4.
Breath. The damage choices for this spell are now fire, cold, lightning, and poison, rather than fire, frost, poison, and shock and costs 5 stamina, down from 6.
Dismay. This spell now properly describes the effect and costs 9 stamina points, up from 5. You attempt to demoralize all targets within a 60-foot radius, centered on yourself. Each creature within range must make a Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the target will flee from combat for the duration of the spell. The illusion calls on the creature's deepest fears, manifesting its worst nightmares as an implacable threat. On a successful save, the spell has no effect.
Dragon Aspect. This spell has been updated to properly describe the effect and costs 9 stamina points, up from 6.
Return to Nirn. This spell can now transfer up to 10 willing creatures and costs 9 stamina points, down from 10.
Storm Call. This spell has been updated to reference Call Lightning and costs 3 stamina points, down from 5.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose three from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, History, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Shadowhand. This feature now uses Stealth instead of Sneak.
Mantle of Whispers. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Insight).
The Hunter and Warden Spellcasting related columns, along with the Scout's Swiftness column have been removed from the Ranger table. This information is now found in their feature's description.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
Favored Enemy. This feature has been updated to use the Willpower (Survival) skill.
Skirmishers Stealth. This feature has been updated to use Agility (Stealth).
Primal Mark. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Perception) and Willpower (Survival).
Hide in Plain Sight. This feature has been updated to be Willpower (Perception).
Bonus Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival
Scout's Tacticts. Removed custom skills. The feature now uses Athletics, Nature, Perception, Stealth, or Survival.
The assassin's poison column has been removed from the rogue table. This information is now found in the feature description.
Eternal Deceit. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Insight).
Poisons. You now become proficient in the poisoner's kit. Clarified how this ability works and how materials are gathered.
Ear for Deceit. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Insight)
Eye for Detail. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Perception)
Insightful Fighting. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Insight)
Steady Eye. This feature has been updated to use Willpower (Perception)
General. Added the missing Cantrips Known column to the Sorcerer table.
Updated the Features column of the Sorcerer table to correctly show the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level features.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion
Daedric Companion. The ability to summon a friendly daedric companion has been removed. This feature will most likely appear in a future update as a subclass.
Power Overwhelming. Now at 3rd level you learn how to cast powerful spells beyond your normal capability, but at a cost. You can cast a spell that you know at a spell level one higher than your current maximum, using magicka as normal (maximum of 9th level). Casting magic in this way is particularly exhausting. All attacks against you have advantage and you have disadvantage on Agility saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
Necromantic Mastery. This feature did not provide any practical use and has been removed.
Inured to Undeath. This feature now grants resistance to necrotic damage, rather than poison and disease.
Hurl Into Oblivion. This feature now deals psychic damage, rather than shadow.
Overload. This feature now grants resistance to and deals lightning and thunder damage, rather than shock.
Wind Soul. This feature now grants immunity to lightning and thunder damage, rather than shock.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight and Medicine
Imbue Magic.
Elemental Imbuements.
Glacier. Now deals cold damage, instead of frost.
Storm. Now deals lightning damage, instead of shock.
Arcane Imbuments.
Decay. Now deals necrotic damage, instead of disease.
Gloom. Now deals psychic damage, instead of shadow.
Mystic. Now deals force damage, instead of magic.
The witchblade received some of the most consistent feedback. The subclass has had many of its features reworked.
Mystic Binding. This feature has been reworked. It now reads as:
When you choose this path at 3rd level, you have discovered an esoteric arcane art that allows you to master an ethereal weapon called the witch blade. As a bonus action you can summon this weapon in your empty hand. You can chose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it (Choose any weapon from the long blade or short blade weapon list in Chapter 5). You are proficient with it while you wield it.
Your witch blade disappears if it is more than 5 feet from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.
You can transform one magic weapon into your witch blade by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into the ethereal plane, and it appears whenever you summon your witch blade thereafter. You can't affect an artifact or sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your witch blade if you die, if you perform the 1 hour ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 1 hour ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the ethereal palne when the bond breaks.
Additionally, you gain the following benefits.
You learn the Mystic Arcane Imbuement
When the witch blade is formed, it gains the benefits of your Weapon Bond feature.
You can choose to teleport to your witch blade, instead of teleporting your witch blade to your hand.
Attacks with your witch blade count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
Ethereal Step. At 6th level, you learn to step through the Ethereal Plane. As a bonus action on your turn, you can cast the etherealness spell with this feature, but the spell ends at the end of the current turn. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Distant Strike. At 14th level, you gain the ability to step between the planes in a blink of an eye. When you use the Attack action, you can teleport up to 10 feet before each attack. You must be able to see the destination of the teleportation.
If you attack at least two different creatures with the action, you can make one additional attack with it against a third creature.
Eldritch Mastery. Revised this feature to restore 4 times your Intelligence modifier and added a restriction to be able to use once between long rests.
Eldritch Invocations.
Agonizing Blast. This invocation has been added to the list.
Armor of Shadows. This invocation now references the mage armor spell.
Lifedrinker. This invocation replaces Shadowstrike and now deals necrotic damage. This now uses your Willpower modifier instead of Personality.
Minions of Chaos. This invocation now casts the conjure elemental spell.
Added 14 new daedric inspired Eldritch Invocations
Aspect of the Dreamstride
Azura's Embrace
Boethia’s Deception
Claws of Apocrypha
Cloak of Peryite
Destruction of Dagon
Gaze of the Hunter
Grasp of Molag Bal
Hand of Namira
Meridia's Light
Seeker’s Speech
Shroud of Nocturnal
Vile's Gamble
Webspinner's Gift
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Perception, Performance, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth
Legerdemain. This feature has been updated to grant advantage on sleight of hand skill checks.
Cunning Action. This feature has been updated to use the Sleight of Hand skill.
Attribute Score Improvement. Reworded this feature to match the standard wording.
Muffled Movement. This feature has been updated to use the Stealth skill.
Distraction. This now uses the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action feature.
Cunning Manipulator. This feature has been updated to use the Persuasion skill, rather than Speechcraft.
Evasion. This feature has been updated to match the standard description.
Lightfoot. This feature has been updated to use the Stealth skill, rather than Sneak.
Beatdown. This feature has been reworked. You can now use your Sneak Attack feature with unarmed strikes or with blunt weapons that do not have the heavy, two-handed, or versatile trait. You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike.
Blackjack. This feature now requires a blunt weapon or unarmed strike, and you can use this feature on Large creatures.
Panache. This feature has been updated to use the Persuasion skill, rather than Speechcraft.
Skill Proficiencies. Removed custom skills. The feature now reads as: Choose two from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival
General. The warrior class has been updated to be more in line with the fighter class. Several class features have been removed, revised, or added.
Warrior Style. This class feature has been moved to first level.
Second Wind. This standard fighter class feature has been added to 1st level and replaces the Centurion class feature.
Action Surge. This standard fighter class feature has been added to 1st level
Armsman. This feature has been removed.
Stamina. This feature has been removed. Stamina based abilities from the archetypes have been revised to resemble the fighter battle master Combat Superiority feature.
Conditioning. The feature has been removed.
War Tactics. This feature has been updated to use tactical dice instead of stamina and has been revised to resemble the fighter battle master Combat Superiority feature.
Defensive Tactics. This feature has been updated to use tactical dice instead of stamina and has been revised to resemble the fighter battle master Combat Superiority feature.
Draconic Tactics. This feature has been updated to use tactical dice instead of stamina and has been revised to resemble the fighter battle master Combat Superiority feature.
Petrify. This tactic now deals necrotic damage, rather than bludgeoning.
Dragon Blood. This feature now heals your allies for half your Warrior level, down from equal to your Warrior level.
This birthsign now has a chance to resist the effect and breaks when damage is dealt.
Lover's Kiss. As an action, you touch a creature in an attempt to paralyze it for 1 minute. The creature must make a Willpower saving throw. The DC is determined by 8 + your Endurance or Willpower modifier (your choice) + your proficiency bonus. This power ignores immunity to paralysis. The paralysis ends early if the target takes damage.
Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until the next dawn.
This birthsign now makes you vulnerable to one type of magical damage, determined by rolling on a table.
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with Religion.
Skill Proficiencies. Lockpicking has been replaced with Sleight of Hand.
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History, Fauna replaced Religion
Skill Proficiencies. Sneak has been replaced with Stealth
Skill Proficiencies. Speechcraft has been replaced with Performance
Skill Proficiencies. Fauna has been replaced with Animal Handling, Nature has been replaced with Survival
Skill Proficiencies. Speechcraft has been replaced with Persuasion
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with Religion, Nature has been replaced with Survival
Skill Proficiencies. First Aid has been replaced with Medicine, Lore has been replaced with Religion
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with Survival, Fauna has been replaced with History, Nature has been replaced with Religion
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History, added Religion
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History, Speechcraft has been replaced with Persuasion
Skill Proficiencies. Nature has been replaced with Survival
Skill Proficiencies. Lore has been replaced with History
Skill Proficiencies. Sneak has been replaced with Stealth
Skill Proficiencies. Pickpocket has been replaced with Sleight of Hand, Sneak has been replaced with Stealth
The skills have been updated to match the standard D&D5e skills.
Willpower. Removed notes about regenerating Magicka through the Willpower attribute.
Added a new list of spells, sorted by School of Magic.
Creature statistics have been added in an appendix. These statistics are specific to the class features granted by the Mage Conjuration Arcane Tradition and the Sorcerer class.