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LGtC: Crusader Subclasses

This week is Crusader week! Two new subclasses will appear in Legionnaire's Guide to Cyrodiil and both are previewed here. As always, this material is presented both as a way to get hyped at what is coming, and as a way to get feedback—both playtest and otherwise.

The Crusader class will be seeing some big changes in the next version of the Basic Rules and I wanted to make sure that any subclasses introduced here would reflect those changes now, rather than need to be updated or relooked at again later. Essentially, the crusader class will be reworked to be identical to the paladin class from the 5e core rules. There are a couple of reasons for doing this:

First, a lot of people have requested the cleric class be introduced to this conversion. The crusader is currently written as a combination between the paladin and cleric classes, with the intention that the restoration mage would fill the role of the cleric. While this did create some interesting playstyles, it didn't hit the required niche. Making the crusader class appear as the paladin, and introducing a new priest class to fill in the role of the cleric, will help bring that traditional 5e feel.

The other reason I wanted to keep the class identical to an existing base 5e class is because it makes it much easier to balance—since they've already been proven to be balanced for 5e. Don't fix what isn't broken! I had asked about changing the class names to remain the classic 5e names, but the feedback I received indicated that crusader and priest felt more like Elder Scrolls than paladin and cleric. What are your thoughts?

  • Herald, a crusader subclass that inspires and uplifts their allies.

  • Zealot, a crusader subclass that is militantly devoted to their deity.

You can download the PDF here:

And you can find a link to the Google Doc here, where you can review and make comments!


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