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Anthropology Companion vol 1

Heroes of Tamriel take many different forms, and those unexpected heroes have stories that deserve to be told. The Anthropology Companion series is intended to bring life to those other heroes of Tamriel that have, until now, been left behind as background characters—mostly found in story books—or seen as villains or outsiders.

Sometimes it’s fun to tell stories about unexpected heroes. Other times, it’s just nice to play something a bit different from the norm. And some stories it just makes sense as part of a campaign.

With this book, you bring stories of the lost or the forgotten, with the Lilmothiit and Snow Elves; the anti-hero with the Maormer; and even the weird with the Paatru, Sarpa, or Imga. All of the options here should help you build memorable characters and stories.


This book features 40 full color pages in the style of a lost tome, weathered through time, which provides insights on many of the uncommon Heritages found throughout Tamriel across many eras. It uses the new Heritage system that will be coming in the next update of the Delvebound core rules.

These rules give you the ability to play as characters you've never been able to play in any Elders Scrolls game!

  • 13 new uncommon Heritages, like the Maormer and Lilmothiit.

  • 10 new additional Heritages, including the Clockwork Apostle

  • 15 new Heritage Feats to compliment the Heritages introduced here

This is the first volume of several, and I hope you can use this book to create amazing characters. Share your stories with us on Discord.

Known Issues. A recent Microsoft update has created some strange effects with the software I use to create these books. One of these issues is with creating bookmarks, which crashes the software. I was able to get a few bookmarks created, but was unable to finish the book. Once this issue is fixed, I will update and relink.


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