Anthropology Companion

A while back, we shared a whole bunch of new playable races for Delvebound. Since then, we started relooking at how races could be handled in the next updated rules to reflect the characters that can be found throughout Tamriel. With that, we looked at a new Heritage system, that allowed you to pick both an Ancestral heritage and a Cultural heritage, helping to create the unique people found across the provinces.
With that announcement, we wanted to go back and relook at the player options found in the Anthropology Companion series. From there, we broke out each into the Ancestry and Culture—we also noticed some were more appropriate as only an Ancestry or only a Culture. It's been an interesting new way of looking at player options for character creation.
You can take a look at what we've done and help shape the final content. In about a month's time, we'll start taking the comments into consideration and put this into its final form.