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UESGEXGE Part 5: Rogues & Sorcerers

While some have a soft spot for treasure hidden in dungeons, others seek out powerful arcane secrets locked within themselves. Xanathar's provides some new options on how to play your Rogue and Sorcerer Character.


Relying on cunning, rather than strength, rogues use subterfuge, stealth, and trickery to get in and out of trouble.

In the UESTRPG Basic Rules, the traditional D&D rogue class has been split into two classes, the rogue and the thief. Thieves are an important part of the Elder Scrolls, being one of the three main archetypes. Thieves rely on ambushes and avoidance, while rogues use tactical cunning.

The Roguish Archetypes presented in Xanathar's have been mostly already incorporated into the UESTRPG Basic Rules, but there are some exceptions that can be used with either the rogue or the thief class, or with the D&D rogue in your Elder Scrolls game. However, there are other ways to add a unique twist to your roguish character. Consider what guilty pleasure your rogue holds dear, any adversaries you may have encountered, or benefactors you owe.

Guilty Pleasure. Most rogues have a specific guilty pleasure that they find almost impossible to say no to. Consider what this might be, whether it's something tangible, like gold and gems, or something a bit more obscure, like lust or fulfilling their ego.

Adversary. The life of a rogue usually involves some form of criminal activity, which always draws a suspicious eye from the law, however, guards and prefects are not the only people that you have likely crossed. Consider if your back alley deals have slighted others who share your criminal background.

Benefactor. Living a life of risk and reward usually results in owing a benefactor a significant debt. Think about who you might owe, what you did to come into such debt, and what needs to be done as compensation.


At 3rd level, a rogue gains the Roguish Archetype feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.


Inquisitives are known for their eye for detail and ability to detect secrets and lies. Your keen senses make you perfect for exposing hidden evils.

The skill sets employed by these rogues are valuable to many organizations. The Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild are always in need of spymasters that are constantly looking out for possible leads or marks.

These skills aren't only useful for nefarious deeds, as any group looking out for tricksters and deceivers hire inquisitives to keep an eye out for unexpected treachery. Inquisitives can be found in royal courts, crusader temples, and vampire hunting guilds.

The Inquisitive subclass already appears in the UESTRPG Basic Rules as the Inquisitor rogue subclass.


Masterminds live a life of intrigue, focusing on the influence, power, and secrets others might wield. Like the Inquisitive, Masterminds are priceless additions the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild.

The majority of the features gained by the Mastermind subclass have been incorporated in the UESTRPG Basic Rules Rogue class and subclasses, so using this subclass with a UESTRPG rogue may require a bit of work.


Scouts find themselves at home in wilderness, usually among barbarians and rangers. War bands and armies use scouts as their eyes and ears, relying on the information they can provide and the ambushes they lay.

Bosmer and Khajiit are drawn to becoming scouts. Their natural speed and survival skills lend themselves perfectly to the valued techniques of a scout.

In the UESTRPG Basic Rules, the scout appears as a ranger subclass, however, this rogue version is significantly different and focuses more on ambushes than the swift survivalist ranger. If you are interested in using this subclass with a class from the UESTRPG rule set, it is better suited as a Thief subclass than the others.


Swashbucklers are those that focus on speed, elegance, and charm, as well as the art of the blade. They excel in single combat and are often found as duelists or pirates.

Pirates are prevalent throughout Tamriel and can be found in virtually every port city, from Anvil, to Daggerfall, Sentinel and Solitude. Stros M'Kai and Hew's Bane are some of the most popular hang outs for these seafaring miscreants.

In the UESTRPG Basic Rules, the Swashbuckler appears as the Pirate subclass of the Thief.


While mages spend their most of their lives endlessly studying the arcane arts to enhance their capabilities, sorcerers have the innate ability to call forth magical powers in times of need.

Xanathar's provides some ideas to consider about your sorcerer character to help flesh out and personalize your persona. Consider what your arcane origins were, what reactions people had to your abilities, if you have any supernatural marks, or if you have any signs of sorcery.

Arcane Origins. Not all sorcerers are aware of their arcane ancestry and where there powers come from. Consider what those origins are, how much you know, and how much is formed from assumptions.

Reaction. When your sorcerous powers first appear, it's often due to an emotional outburst. How did those around you react? Were you supported for your natural talent or shunned as a dangerous outcast.

Supernatural Mark. Although sorcerers are indistinguishable from other people, their magical nature sometimes creates subtle physical traits that make you unique.

Signs of Sorcery. As a sorcerer grows, they gain more control of the magical power they hold within. However, the power required to bring forth such aspects is sometimes accompanied by a physical phenomenon that might indicate your powers origins.


At 1st level, a sorcerer gains the Sorcerous Origin feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.


Having a divine soul means that you have some form of connection with one of the Divines or Et'Ada. It is possible that you are the descendant of an aedric creature, or perhaps you have been written into the Elder Scrolls themselves, prophesied to serve the gods.

A Divine Soul draws on the characteristics of the divine they are connected to. A descendant of Talos might have a knack for diplomacy and a thirst for war, while someone connected to Mara might spread the word of love to all. Consider who your character is connected with and how that affects their personality and even their appearance.

Having this divine kinship might not necessarily mean you are directly connected with one of the Divines. Consider the relationship between the Daedric Princes and the daedra that are connected to them, such as the Golden Saints. Perhaps you are the descendant of a similar aedric creature. Very little is known about the planes of the Divines, so feel free to be creative.

The Divine Soul subclass appears in the Blessings & Curses supplement, although in an earlier Unearthed Arcana form.


Touched by shadow, your innate magic comes from Oblivion itself. Your lineage might trace back to Nocturnal herself, or perhaps your body and soul were transformed after spending some time within the Evergloam.

Nocturnal. Known as the Nightmistress, Nocturnal is a Daedric Prince who controls the realms of night and darkness. She rules over the Evergloam, a realm of Oblivion she created that exists in perpetual twilight.


Elemental energy rushes through your blood, granting you a supernatural control over the powers of elemental air. Perhaps you were born during a particularly powerful storm, struck by lighting and survived, or your lineage might include some influence from a potent air elemental creature.

The Storm Sorcery Sorcerous Origin appears in the UESTRPG Basic Rules.

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