UESGEXGE Part 3: Fighters & Monks

Defined by their martial prowess, fighters and monks provide significantly different ways to attack their foes with deadly might. Xanathar's Guide introduced some of the most iconic subclasses which we will discuss how you can bring them into your Elder Scrolls game.
Although fighters appear to have simple motivations, wound rather than be wounded, how one achieves their goal can actually be impressively complex. Their preferred choice of armor, weapon, and tactics can lead to a myriad of approaches to their art.
The Warrior class found in UESTRPG Basic Rules is essentially a re-skin of the fighter and any subclass can be used interchangeably. When creating your fighter or warrior, consider a few ways to add personal touches and depth to your character through heraldic signs, your instructor, and signature styles.
Heraldic Sign. Warriors often fight under a banner or crest that represents their beliefs. This could be a literal banner you carry with you, a tabard you wear on top of your armor, or a coat of arms painted on your shield.
Instructor. Every warrior learns their talent for combat from someone. This could be an active teacher, like a role model, military leader, or grandmaster, but it could also be from fighting in the streets or surviving battle.
Signature Style. The the way that your character fights makes them unique from other fighters. Think about how your character has adopted their particular style and what that looks like.
At 3rd level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetypes feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.
Using magically infused arrows is one of the most effective ways to make the most out of archery. The elves, or mer, of Tamriel have been using this method for as long as history can recall. Bosmeri are some of the most notable archers, and those that weave magic into their attacks are also the deadliest.
Of course, elves aren't the only ones with this talent. Anyone capable of creating simple enchantments can momentarily augment their ammunition. Breton and Imperial infantries often employ arcane archers in their armies.
The speed, mobility, and tactical advantage of a cavalry is desired by any army. Cavaliers excel at mounted combat and locking down their adversaries. Usually, a cavalier comes from a background of nobility, and they feel just as comfortable in combat as they do hosting an elaborate dinner.
Breton and Imperial knights and nobles spend much of their upbringing studying etiquette and combat and are the most likely to become cavaliers. Any society with organized armies employ a cavalry, which includes the Crowns and Forebears of Hammerfell, as well as the altmer and dunmer. However, the mounts used by the dunmer are definitely a bit strange looking compared to the horses and camels used by the other races.
Honor and spirit are two words that best represent the samurai, a warrior with unbreakable resolve and dedication.
The influence of the akaviri warriors can still be seen, and their militant style and focus on honor and protection defines the samurai of Tamriel. When the akaviri came to Tamriel, the tactical might of the Akaviri Dragonguard had not been seen before and enabled the Empire to find incredible success through their conquest of the continent. After the Dragonguard disbanded, those who studied in their ways went on to form the Fighter's Guild, a sellsword organization, or the Blades, a covert protection agency of the Emperor.
The style of weaponry and armor of the Akaviri also left a mark on Tamriel. No samurai is complete without a set of akaviri armor and a katana or wakizashi.
Monks in many ways merge the three archetypal classes together. Their martial prowess rivals that of any barbarian or warrior, while their speed and careful avoidance is the envy of any fleet footed thief. Finally, the way in which a monk studies their art parallels that with a mages zeal for magic. Monks that are devoted to particular arts are able to transform their energy into something supernatural.
There are many different ways to play a monk that can make your character feel unique. To distinguish your character even further, consider the monastery you came from, your monastic icon, and who your master was. Tables have been included with lore friendly ideas.
Monastery. Most of those who enter a monastery stay for life, except for those who take up adventuring. Consider what your monastery was like. Was it located in a secluded place? Perhaps a brewery just outside of a major city. Did the location or style effect your path in an unusual or distinct way? Refer to the Monasteries table below for ideas to describe your particular monastery.
Monastic Icon. Each monastery relies on some form of symbolism to define its identity. The symbol may be of a particular creature your monastic order wishes to emulate or protect. The symbol could be an icon you wear or a gesture or posture you adopt. Refer to the Monastic Icons tables below for ideas.
Master. During your studies, you likely had a master that imparted wisdom and training on to you. Consider the relationship you had with your trainer and how it affected your outlook.
d6 Monastary
1 Your monastery is carved out of a mountainside, where it looms over a treacherous pass.
2 Your monastery is high in the branches of an immense tree in Valenwood.
3 Your monastery is a sandstone cavern in the middle of a desolate desert.
4 Your monastery is built beside a volcanic system of hot springs, geysers, and sulfur pools.
5 Your monastery was built inside an abandoned underground dwemer labyrinthine ruin.
6 Your monastery was carved from an iceberg in the frozen reaches of the world.
d6 Icon
1 Monkey. Quick reflexes and the ability to travel through the treetops are two of the reasons why your order admires the monkey.
2 Haj Mota. The monks of your seaside monastery venerate the Haj Mota, reciting ancient prayers and offering garlands of flowers to honor this living spirit of the sea.
3 Kwama. A working society requires a hierarchy. Everyone needs to contribute in their own way, just like a kwama colony.
4 Minotaur. Fierce loyalty was demanded by your masters, and guarding the labyrinthine monastery was treated with the utmost importance.
5 Skeever. Curiosity, clever thinking, and problem solving are highly regarded by your order. The skeever epitomizes this relentless adaptability.
6 Dragon. A dragon once laired within your monastery. Its influence remains long after its departure.
At 3rd level, a monk gains the Monastic Traditions feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.
Unpredictability is the key to mastering this martial stance. Using jerky movements, resembling a tottering drunkard, a drunken master frustrates and confuses their enemy combatants, making it difficult to land blows or avoid being struck.
A drunken master often enjoys playing a part, performing as a fool to lighten the mood, or madden the arrogant. Khajiit are particularly gifted at this art, as they are often seen as trouble makers, drunkards, and simple miscreants, which plays into their act. Not to mention their tails provide additional balance to easily create the illusion of being unsteady.
Monks of the Way of the Kensei treat their expertise with weapons as an art form. Their unending training allows themselves to treat their chosen weapon as not merely a tool, but as an extension of their own body.
The redguard of Hammerfell have a cultural affection for martial training, with swords having a distinct preference. Certain schools in Hammerfell would teach the Way of the Sword, where masters could treat even mundane weapons as though they were magical. The greatest of these fighters were known as the Ansei. It is said they were able to manifest a spiritual sword, known as a Shehai, from their very soul.
The warriors from akavir had a nearly unmatched militant style that extends to their expertise in weaponry. When the akavir arrived, their expertise was adopted by the Imperial armies and other mercenary guilds, allowing their style to spread throughout Tamriel.
Monks of the Way of the Sun Soul learn to channel their life energy into searing bolts of light. They believe that through meditation, they are able to unlock radiant energies found in all living creatures.
Martial followers of Meridia tap into the Glister Witch's connection to the Infinite Energies. These disciples channel holy light to unleash indomitable energy that sears their foes.
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