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May Update

It has been just over a year since I started this Blog, which also means we're approaching the 2nd year of this website. It's fun to look back at what little there was just a year ago, and how far it's come. Since then, the game saw two major updates to the rules, the classes were nearly all rewritten and two new classes were added. The spell system I foolishly created was completely scrapped and replaced with the spell points system from D&D, which was a huge improvement to the game. Although a lot of time has been spent redoing things, it was definitely worth it. The game balance and play-ability has been greatly improved and a lot of lessons have been learned, which will make things easier in the future. But, that does mean I haven't been able to spend that time creating new, useful things. I had planned to spend the year working on new releases to help with monsters, world-building, and player options, and so far, I haven't had the chance to release anything yet. In fact, I've barely even talked about what I've been working on.



What I've been working on the most still doesn't have a name, although I've been touching it for the last 4 months. For the time being, I'm calling it Blessing and Curses. This will be an expectantly large issue that I'm really excited to get out. I just finished up a milestone of the package, and can start working on some of the fun, meaty bits. You've likely already seen some of what will be included in this. This will have the final version of the Vampire and Lycanthrope cursed classes, as well as the Fallen Crusader subclasses.

I was really inspired by Volo's Guide to Monsters and wanted to put something together that was going to be useful for players, as well as DM's. In Blessings and Curses, you'll find lore about Tamriel's darker creatures, as well as some of the major forces fighting against them. Included will be a new undead revenant race, for those misfortune adventurer's who die a bit too early. Not yet seen Crusader, Mage, Ranger, and Sorcerer subclasses will be revealed, along with themed items and artifacts, and new spells to wield and destroy evil monstrosities, or punish those who get in your way.

Not only that, I'm also throwing in a low level adventure. Most likely something that will fit in around 4th level, that will feature a not-so-loved character and will be crawling with undead. There will also be a beastiary with around 25 creatures to add to your campaign and threaten the player characters.

I'm really excited about everything that's going in here, but I think I bit off a bit more than I should have. In the future, I will try to make the releases a little bit smaller and more focused so that I can get these out to you a bit faster.

Speaking of the future. I'd also like to share with you a teaser of what is next to be seen.



We are going to dig deep (get it?) into the lore of the Dwemer. Learn about their ancient civilization, their cities, and their culture, as well as some of the theories as to why they've disappeared. Discover dangerous constructs and traps designed by the Dwemer that have been uncovered, and you might even meet a new class. The Dwemer Engineer is someone who has studied these ancient automatons, unlocking these lost secrets using science and magic.

Of course, there is still so much on the list that I can't wait to share with you.


One of the things that I have seen mentioned a few times is the need for a Monster Manual. My plan is to put together these themed releases and have a handful of creatures in each one. The official Monster Manual released with 100 creatures. If I can get 4 of these themed packages out with 25 creatures each, I'll be able to get there while still releasing other new and interesting content. That's my plan for now, and I hope you'll have patience while this all comes together. I had mentioned previously that I was aiming to have 4 releases this year, one at each quarter. With the major change to the rule set in 1.3, it put me behind by 2 months, but I'm going to try my best to get back on schedule, or at least, not fall even further behind.

That being said, I also have big and exciting news in my personal life. My wife and I are expecting our first child! She's coming in July, which is reaaaally fast. We've been busy working around the house getting all of the things done that we can before that happens. For example, today we hung new art, sanded and primed a dresser for repainting, and hung a light fixture. So weekends have been busy working on house stuff instead of D&D stuff. Putting together smaller releases might help with getting new stuff out regularly while I'm distracted with life.

Anyway, thanks for reading and following along so far. I'm sorry for being quiet as of late, but I promise you that I'm still working. My last post was already over two weeks ago, and even that was a bit uninspired and lackluster. I should have more to share for feedback soon! Thanks again, and I look forward to the rest of this crazy year!

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