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Bosmer Name Generator

Bosmer Name Generator

The Bosmer typically have only a given name, but there are exceptions.

Male Names (d20)

1. Milion

2. Aengoth

3. Nalion

4. Deros

5. Nedras

6. Trillion

7. Saldir

8. Nondor

9. Berthar

10. Firras

11. Hadran

12. Pegolas

13. Gwindar

14. Faenir

15. Denneroth

16. Brelor

17. Glongar

18. Mingor

19. Rinlir

20. Orthelos

Female Names (d20)

1. Carwen

2. Kirsty

3. Indrel

4. Gildan

5. Brelas

6. Zifri

7. Falion

8. Rayniir

9. Gelur

10. Celwin

11. Thamrin

12. Fara

13. Nona

14. Glaras

15. Nara

16. Doriel

17. Gwendis

18. Herder

19. Namriel

20. Andarel

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