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UESGEXGE Part 6: Warlocks & Wizards

Whether you've learned magic through endless hours of study or through a dark ritual, Xanathar's Guide gives you a few new ways to think about your Warlock or Wizard character.


Warlocks share a lot in common with clerics. They both have been granted supernatural powers through a deity that they are connected with. Those similarities are limited, however. A cleric typically embraces their chosen deity, adopting a lifestyle that compliments their god's domain. Warlocks, on the other hand, might have no particular love for their patron, or vice versa.

Warlocks in Tamriel are typically found as daedra worshipers, but they can also be burdened by their patron and act more like a slave than a willing participant.

Although the warlock class does not appear in the UESTRPG Basic Rules, they do show up regularly in Tamriel. In the video games, they are usually reserved as an NPC class that are dedicated to elemental conjuration. There are also self-proclaimed warlocks who are proud daedra worshipers that have received special knowledge or power in return for their service.

If playing a warlock in Tamriel, you should consider you your patron is. Have you called out to a powerful Daedric Prince or has a lesser daedra, a titan or dremora, sponsored you in some way? Here are a few ideas for patrons found in the Player's Handbook.

Archfey. Patrons of the Archfey are whimsical beings whose motives are hard to understand. They are neither inherently good or evil. Worshipers of Azura, Hiricine, Sanguine, Sheogorath, and Vaermina might find themselves gifted with the powers of the Archfey.

The Fiend. The evil daedric princes that focus on corruption or destruction are considered to be Fiends. Boethia, Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Mephala and Molag Bal are great examples of The Fiend.

The Great Old One. Holders of great secrets, The Great Old One sometimes seems alien or even incomprehensible compared to mortal beings. Hermaeus Mora is the obvious patron, but Nocturnal's power over secrets and Namira's control of the ancient darkness might find them a place here.

The Undying. Found in the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, The Undying is typically tied to liches and other immortal creatures that have unlocked the secrets of undeath. Mannimarco finds himself as the main patron in Tamriel.

Xanathar's Guide to Everything also provides new ways to look at your warlock character. Consider their Patron's Attitude, any Special Terms of the Pact you hold with your patron, and any Binding Marks you might display.

Patron's Attitude. Not all warlocks hold positive feelings for their patron, and those feelings might not be reciprocated in their partnership. It is very possible that both the patron and the pact holder have opposing views of their relationship. Consider what type of attitude you have with your patron, and what their attitude is towards you.

Special Terms of the Pact. Your patron may have a detailed list of requirements to keep your pact in place. Consider what this contract consists of, how involved they are in the contract, and if there are any strange provisions that must be met.

Binding Mark. Sometimes, a patron may wish to mark their warlock, either as a proof of ownership or something more whimsical in nature. If you have a mark, how does in manifest? Is it something you display with pride or cover in shame? Perhaps it changes at the whim of your patron.


At 1st level, a warlock gains the Otherworldly Patron feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.


Your patron is a powerful being that has gifted you with the power of the same holy light that illuminates the world. This patron has influenced your behavior and beliefs. You likely find yourself hoping to remove undead creature from the mortal plane, defeat daedric beings, and protect the innocent.

Your patron is likely to be Meridia, the glister witch, Prince of the energies of all living things. She is a staunch enemy of the undead and all those who disrupt the proper flow of life.

Other beings may be any of the divines, especially Arkay. It is also possible to be noticed by the ethereal celestial beings themselves, such as the Lady or the Ritual.


Warlocks of the Hexblade have made pacts with mysterious entities in the void. The Umbra Sword, a powerful daedric artifact, is the most notable of these weapons. The shadowy forces behind these weapons can offer power to warlocks who form pacts with it. These weapons might groom their warlocks to become their champions.

Umbra is known to call out to those who have made pacts with it, providing them with the power and desire required to prove themselves. Once its new warrior is ready, they must battle the current champion to finally wield the Umbra Sword.


Pinnacles of arcane arts, wizards are the most accomplished spellcasters of all. Unlike many others who are able to cast spells, wizards spend years studying to learn their craft. Even an apprentice can manipulate the forces and laws of natures, where masters can create world shattering effects.

In the UESTRPG Basic Rules, wizards are very closely represented as mages. This class follows a very similar advancement and has a similar style in their subclasses. Namely, the schools of magic.

In Xanathar's Guide, we delve into new ways to inspire your classic spellslinger through your spellbook, ambition, and eccentricity.

Spellbook. Your most prized possession is your spellbook. Think about where your spellbook comes from. When did you first come into possession of the book? What makes it unique from any other wizards spellbook?

Ambition. Wizards spend a lot of time studying magic for reasons beyond simply understanding it. What other ambitions does your wizard have? Why do they choose to dedicate so much time in their life to perfecting their art.

Eccentricity. Endless studying is likely to have a noticeable affect on one's social skills. What is your eccentricity? Is it something that manifests physically or is does it effect you mentally? Do you embrace this quirk or try fervently to prevent it?


At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition feature. The following describes how to use these options in your Elder Scrolls game.


While many of the schools of magic help outfit a wizard for war, they don't focus on blending techniques the way that War Magic does.

The School of Destruction teaches you how to harness the elemental forces to eradicate your enemies, while the School of Alteration teaches how to manipulate those same elements for protection. War Magic teaches one to combine the offensive and defensive styles, empowering their spells, while providing methods to bolster their own defenses.

Armies often employ multiple spellcasters, where destruction mages may work beside alteration mages and war mages. Different from the imperial Battlemages and Spellswords, war mages focus on the arcane rather than martial skill. Their spells continue to strike hard while being able defend themselves. War Mages are even known to be able to turn other spellcasters' magic against themselves.

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